I spent this past summer in the bathrooms at my kids school painting wall murals so I thought it was only fair to write a blog post about the process. Today I’m sharing the farmyard wall mural in the girl’s bathroom.
Truth be told I have never painted an entire wall mural before and I was shocked at how long it actually took to complete the project! But I was loving the process so no complaints and my apologies for the lighting in these photos. Below is the main wall completed:
I started with this boring, plain white wall with an awful toothpaste colored stripe running in the middle:
And the AFTER:
There seems to be some debate about mirrors which I’m not involved in although I think they are only appropriate and necessary. At any rate that’s the reason it looks a little bare over the sinks.
I used almost all Benjamin Moore latex paints in Eggshell finish, sample pots are great for getting lots of colors.
I’m not sure what propelled me to place the tire swing around the paper towel dispenser but I did and it works. All the little details were so much fun to paint, I kept wanting to add more and more but knowing I had another bathroom to complete I stopped short of going overboard.
Below is the how the whole process went down, not really knowing anything about wall murals I just dug in and started painting. Also I should note I had my 8-year-old son helping to roll in the large areas.
Step 1: Use chalk to determine where the large elements will be placed then paint the background.
Step 2: Fill in the large elements with a base coat. Virtually everything is painted with two coats, the base is your anchor and then the second coat allows you to layer in shading.
Step 3: Keep building up the design working through each element. In total this wall mural probably took me about 80 hours to complete but I often had my kids along so that was a distraction which makes the timing hard to factor.
The kids are going to love it 🙂
That's a beautiful job!! Talented lady, indeed.
That is absolutely adorable~
You're just incredibly talented! What a gorgeous job you've done, and what a difference from the boring white!