Happy Friday friends, welcome to another Handbuilt Holiday gift plan and today is a portable tabletop play kitchen. Seriously why didn’t I have this for my kids when they were little?????
It’s Week 7 of this series which means we only have 5 weeks left to get building but don’t worry that’s still plenty of time. Every Friday Ana White and I present a new holiday gift build project with free plans, to see all the previous weeks (and years) click here:
Being the genius that she is Ana designed this tabletop kitchen to be portable by making the hutch portion removable! Of course you could always build it to be stationary but having a toy that packs in on itself is just to much fun, it’s part of the play.
We used dowels inserted into the cook base and hutch which keep the pieces stable and secure:
I used this kitchen set here
(affiliate link) and all the pieces fit inside the hutch, including the dowels:
Then the hutch slides into the cook base box and I added two swivel latches to keep it snug:
There’s even a carrying handle at the back!
Truly you don’t even need play food for this kitchen, having the pots, pans and utensils is plenty fun.
I used all scrap wood to build this little set including the dowel knobs on the front.
Attach the smallest cup hooks you can find under the hutch ledge to hang utensils.
Be sure to stop by Ana’s place for free plans and step by step instructions on how to assemble this portable tabletop play kitchen.
Check back next Friday for another fun gift build idea. For more inspiration and to see the previous weeks builds click here:
Jaime this is so cute! I love that it has storage and stores compactly.
I love it and am building two for my daughters. How big are the disks for the burners? And how did you attach the knobs?
I love how the whole play kitchen is able to be sealed nicely into a covered storage box which makes it fun yet tidy at the same time. The drawer idea is ingenious and I would love to build my own DIY cabinet with ample storage for my real kitchen just like this!