I partnered with Kreg / Build Something to create a mobile workout bench with storage. Working out at home doesn’t need to be complicated. A few basic supplies combined with a nice workout bench with storage and you’re all set. No excuses not to get in a quick workout when you have all the basics covered.
A DIY tutorial to build a workout bench with storage. Make a mobile workout bench with padded top and lots of storage. Perfect for workouts at home.
We all know staying active and fit is part of a healthy lifestyle but actually incorporating that concept into our busy lives can be difficult. The thought of making time to drive to the gym right away makes me want to forget any workout but having working out at home is something my family can get behind. So I built a workout bench to complete our minimal workout gear that gets the job done.
Just look at all that concealed storage for weights, kettle bells, resistance bands, towels and yoga mats. Because I designed this workout bench with a stud frame wrapped in plywood you can bet it’s super sturdy. You don’t want any wiggle or a flimsy bench when you’ve got dumb bells above your head.
Below is a quick video of this project including more details on making the leather top.
The bench is only 12″ wide which is standard for any workout bench. This allows for maximum movements with free weights but still provides enough width for seated exercises. The top cushion is 2″ thick foam wrapped with quilt batting and leather. You’ll want to use a wipeable material for hygiene purposes and I had a few leather scraps on hand from my son’s headboard and the round ottoman projects.
Above you can see a 6′ male on the bench in preparation for an exercise movement. At 48″l the bench has plenty of space perform a huge variety of exercises.
And of course you’ll want to use swivel wheels with locks. This will make the workout bench mobile and provide a solid support once locked into position.
For the complete step by step plans head over to Build Something here. They are a great source for free step-by-step project plans with tons of DIY building projects. Check out their large library of certified plans and plans submitted by woodworkers and hobbyists. Definitely worth a visit if you’re looking for free plans in a wide variety of categories. And as always please read through the plans completely before beginning and follow all safety guidelines.
- 1 – ¾” plywood 4’x 8’ sheet
- 1 – ¼” plywood handy panel (2’x 4’)
- 5 – 2x3x8 studs
- 2 ½” pocket hole screws
- 2” wood screws
- 1 ¼” wood screws
- 2” foam @ 12” x 48”
- Quilt batting and leather (or other wipeable material) @ 25” x 60”
- 1 – 36” piano hinge
- 4 – 3” wheels with locks
- 1 ¼” x 1/8” thick steel L angle (optional)
When constructing the frame I used 2×3 stud lumber. To make the pocket holes I used the Kreg Foreman but any Kreg pocket hole jig will work great.
Take note when assembling the frame and be sure to keep your pocket holes on the exterior. Once you wrap the frame with plywood the pocket holes will be hidden from view giving you a clean interior storage space.
Finally I opted to add the L angle aluminum on the corner seams but it’s completely optional. It gives a nice industrial look and I love the contrast with the warm birch plywood and soft leather. Thanks for joining me for this workout bench project. Get the complete plans over at Build Something here.
Be sure to share and follow me on social media for more project inspiration.
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Cut list is incorrect… length should be 14” high not 10.5” !! Otherwise great job!
Thank you for catching the error. I have edited the cut list.
This bench looks great. What were the total material costs?
Hi Taylor, Thank you. Material costs vary greatly depending on your lumber source and where in the world you are located. I would take the supply list and price it out from your supplier.
How do you attach the locking wheels to the bottom? I have a similar project with a crate but cannot put bolts through from the inside since the walls of the crate are so thick. Is there a certain kind of screw I need to use to attach the metal plates (which have holes in them for the screws already) holding the wheels to the wood crate? This is a basic question, I’m sure, but I’m completely new to using a drill or working with wood.
Hi Haley, to attach the wheels you want screws with a flange head (or hex head) like this: https://bit.ly/3TJqghr
Hello. Great job with the explanaition. But It doesn’t explain how to make the bench top.
Where can I find It. Excuse me if I miss the part if its written.
Thank you.
Hi Ada, the complete plans including the bench top are here: https://learn.kregtool.com/plans/workout-bench-with-storage/. Let me know if you have further questions.